Monday, March 3, 2008

Museum Monday

Today my friend called and asked if I could go with her to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum. I had one and a half hours free... so I said, "Yes! Let's go!"
I can sum up the trip with one phrase: Sensory Overload
Oh, let's make that two phrases... Wonderful.
I've got tons of pioneer ancestory on both sides of my family. I kept my eyes open for a name or object that would belong to one of them.
I found this:

This is Alexander Neibaur. He was born a jew in Germany and moved to England to start his own dentist business and met his wife and the missionaries too. He was a Pioneer. He met Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and taught them Hebrew and German. He might have helped Joseph Smith not whistle when he talked (because a mob broke a tooth and maybe Alexander fixed it), and definitely made Brigham Young's false teeth.
He is my 3rd great grandfather. There is a sister in my ward for whom he is HER 3rd great grandfather too. That's fun... I call her "cousin!".
I would like to find out more about my other pioneer ancestors and need to put more effort into that. I am thinking about joining the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and doing some more searching into the lives of my pioneer ancestors.
Anyway, This museum was wonderful and hello! chock full of pioneer stuff! I would love to be in charge of it and organize it!
There was a creepy room full of dolls. I felt very oppressed and couldn't breathe in there.
There was a beautiful room full of dishes and plates and it was a happy room.
There was a room dedicated to strong and intelligent women doctors and midwives and it felt good in that room too. Strong, intelligent, confident women! You could definitely feel that vibe.
There was a room with beds and cribs and rocking chairs that gave me an electric feeling and made me a little weepy as soon as I entered it... as soon as I stepped out of that room, weepy gone, electric pressure feeling gone. Wow. Also, while I was in there, I kept thinking that the rocking chairs should be rocking by themselves... but, they didn't.
And that is my report for Museum Monday! Next time I go, I will definitely take more pics. There were some gorgeous Early American style portraits that I want to have a pic of so I can look at it at my leisure. And so much crochet! etc.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love how your photo turned out! I blogged about our trip, too, but only about the ghost stuff. I'm glad you had some substance to your report. ;)