Monday, March 31, 2008

Quick! Mmm-Mmm Monday!

Here's a really good chocolate frosting recipe, I think I got it from my Grandma:

Creamy Chocolate Frosting

3 Tab Margaine (or Butter) slightly melted
3 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar
1/2 cup Cocoa
1/8 teas Salt
1/4 cup Milk (plus some to get the right consistency)
1/2 teas Vanilla

Beat well till creamy.

Yep. That's it.
I've put this together the way you're SUPPOSED to put together frosting, and I've just dumped it all in and "beat well till creamy"... both ways worked.
Ross makes Hershey's recipe for Brownies from scratch with his own addition of chocolate chips and I made the frosting. It's an annual tradition for him to take in his brownies around his birthday. THIS year, he didn't advertise, the newer people at work didn't know about it and he came home with LEFTOVERS! YAY!

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