Cats in the Park
It was cold as I walked to school to pick up Mara from kindergarten. It's only a block and a half, but it's a nice little walk. I love to walk past our little neighborhood park where the sky really opens up and I can see the mountains.
And then, a month ago those statues were put into MY park. I know the city means well by putting "art in the park", but did they have to put those creepy giant cat statues there? They sit just so, each one looking in a different direction. Each one a different color. Each one taller than my 6 year old.
I know I'm just paranoid, but, every time I walk past the park I swear I see a flicker of an ear, or a movement of a brass eye. The lady across the street told me that she likes to think that they are protectors of the neighborhood. I want to believe that. I want to believe they are on "our" side. I'm a cat person, and I know that cats are basically good creatures. But, I also know that, unlike dogs, you have to earn their love and respect and protection.
As much as I love art and love cats, they're still creepy.
On the other hand, it's been a while since I've seen graffiti in the park.
Older kids have begun to avoid the park...
So, no matter what happens, no matter what I see out of the corner of my eye, as I pass my little park I always end up thinking of the Egyptian cat goddess Bast and I bob my head towards the creepy Cats in the Park and thank them for protecting my neighborhood.
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