Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Writing Wednesday is more like Writer's Wednesday

I don't have time to write a story today. I have one in mind... I have several in mind... but, no time. And I don't want to get into any habit of missing my Monday, Wednesday, Friday crafting habit.

So, instead of writing a story I'm going to mention a few of my favorite books. I can't mention them all, but, I can write about the ones that have really stuck with me through the years and new favorites too.

1. Sherri S. Tepper the 9 books that all start with King's Blood Four.
I read King's Blood Four after I borrowed it from my mom's bookcase. And then I kept it. And then I read it over and over again. A world based on chess
Then, year's later the night before my wedding I was in a used book store in Logan, Utah. That is where I found book number three: Wizard's Eleven! I was FLOORED! There are more?
That night I bought that book and began my search for number 2: Necromancer's Nine.
I found the first trilogy and then found out there were two more trilogies that went with the first one.
So far I've found 8 out of 9, PLUS a 3 books in one book that includes the one book I'm missing.
Last night I even thought about writing Sherri S. Tepper a fan letter about the King's Blood Four series. They never mention these books when they tell about the books she's written.
I think she also wrote a book about a River... oops, I can't remember but I'll have to find it... I've been thinking about it lately. I like that one too. I think I got a two books in one book and I still need to find it! Southshore and Northshore from 1987. Found the names not the book. :(
She writes about wonderfully grotesque and fantastical characters, she uses such beautiful and highly descriptive language that I can see exactly what she is writing about, and talk about great plot and world making!
They are all out of print and hard to find... but, WORTH IT!
She also has a Marianne trilogy that I'm trying to find too. I think I have the middle one...:(

I've figured out that I love books about people from Earth coming to a new planet and then seeing what their society develops into after hundreds or thousands of years after they've even forgotten they are originally from Earth. The King's Blood Four series does that.

2. Also, Marion Zimmer Bradley's world of Darkover series does that and I grew up loving those books. MZB also did an anthology series, Swords & Sorceress. I almost have all 21? of those books. Alas, Marion Zimmer Bradley died a while back.

I went downstairs to my triple stacked bookcase and found these books. They are all dog-eared, much read and much loved. I remember them. I grabbed them and want to read them again!

3. Nor Crystal Tears by Alan Dean Foster
4. The Colors of Space by Marion Zimmer Bradley
5. Crystal Singer by Anne McCafferey (also Killashandra Ree I think is the next one)
6. The Postman by David Brin
7. One for the Morning Glory by John Barnes (a great fairy tale)
8. Snow Crash by Neal Stephens (cyber punk!)
and then there's
9. The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett (also A Hat Full of Sky and Wintersmith)
SO FUNNY! (I want to read all of Terry Pratchett's books... a life time goal. :)
10. All the Harry Potters!
11. All the Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
(well, anything by Lemony Snicket! Have you read The Latke that wouldn't stop screaming?)
12. Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay

There's more but, I'd say that's enough for now. That's the basics.
Each one of these books brings memories and feelings to my mind and heart.
I remember far away places and favorite people that I have visited and revisited.
Who needs to travel?!
I love books.

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