Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Craftiness of December

Well, I got the hangers done for my mother-in-law in time to ship them.
They are nice BUT kind of boring and annoying to make. And the next time I have to make some, I'm using some NON fuzzy yarn. (although I suspect fuzzy yarn hides a multitude of mistakes. :) Two hangers of each color of blue that I found, because I can't remember the exact color of blue my in-laws bedroom is... it has been since 2005 or 6 that we went there last.
I like how they turned out though. not bad. Second time I made hangers. check.
We were going to make home-made Christmas Cards too... but, Christmas snuck up on us so fast, and we were sooo busy and sooo tired.... we never got around to it.
So, because Ross doesn't worry about these things, it will be up to me to make up for it.
I will be writing an e-mail and adding a couple of pics to a Christmas letter.
Of course, 2008 was not such a great year. The only trip we went on was a Ward Campout and a baby blessing in Idaho. We didn't go swimming at all. We didn't visit St. George and see my parents new kitties at all. We didn't even go to the end of the Salt Lake Valley for my Mother's Day meal because of gas prices. (who knew they would get even worse after that?!)
I hope I can come up with a positive letter to send family members.
Also, I have had such good intentions and good thoughts of gifts and generosities for others, but no imagination or brain power or energy to support them. Sorry everyone.
Merry Christmas anyway...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Crafty Christmas

Well, my mother-in-law wants me to make her crochet covered hangers. (I just figured out it was a real request, not a joke, on Thanksgiving!) So, I have one half made and can't wait to see how it turns out.
How many crocheted hangers make a set anyway?

The funny thing is that when Ross was on the phone with his mom, She said something about wanting something knitted for her... Ross said, "That's okay, we don't knit." HA HA HA!!!!
Thanks for standing up for proper yarn craft vocabulary! And me.
That woman just doesn't seem to want to know or remember things about me.
Also, she told Ross the details of want she wanted... he remembers, something with color?
So, I'm in the dark but pressing on anyway... I hope she likes whatever I make.
Without talking to ME personally about it, she is not going to get exactly what she wants. is she.

I promised kids and promised kids that we were making Ugli dolls out of fleece together for the fun of it. So far, two patterns have been figured out, cut out and fleece cut out... now the sewing. I'm not really a sew-er... so I just have to find a good day and get going on it. We were going to make some ugli dolls for my nieces too... more sewing... :(

I DESPERATELY want to make a new star for the top of our Christmas tree. I made the last one when I was a newlywed and a newbie cross stitcher. I want to make a big crocheted Star of David for the top of my tree. My 4th great grandfather was Jewish and I want to honor that heritage.
So, I'm looking up a pattern for a triangle granny square that I can make two of and assemble together as a Star of David. After all the above though, I don't know if I'm going to get it done in time! (I mean, I want to play World of Warcraft too!)

Only 24 days left till Christmas and we STILL need to make Christmas Cards for people! Yeah, MAKE CHRISTMAS CARDS. Thank you Ross' side of the family. I know that while our kids are young we can get away with potato stamp Christmas cards, but, as they get older... well... let's just say that Ross' mom and sister go ALL out on their cards and they look like they made them AT the Stationery/Scrapbooking store!

My mom waited until LAST WEEK! to tell me that she wants a family pic of us.... an 8x10 even!
Why didn't she mention that in October or beginning of November ... you know, BEFORE the big get family pictures taken for the holidays RUSH?
I'm still trying to figure out how to do this. Maybe we could pay our neighbor and friend? He's a photographer/videographer...? hmmm...

I was going to make bags for my kid's Bakugan. (they are plastic marble-like toys with a magnet in them, when you throw them down onto their metal card they pop open in different ways and look like animals or creatures. Too popular this year.)
BUT, I think they are going to have too many for my bag making tastes. So, plan B, find a really good container that can hold them all. Some sort of shoe box, maybe decorated, will do.

Really, I've been shopping for Christmas all year long... there were some things in the closet I didn't even remember buying! I laid it all out on the bed last night to see how it looks... LightningBoy is getting a few big things and ArtGrrl is getting a lot of little things. I think we can make that work...? Every year I feel like I do Christmas mostly on my own. I'm the only one who worries about it and does something about it. And last night I had to get all the stuff out of the closet by myself because Ross hurt his back protecting me from my own daughter. argh.

All that's left is: A gift certificate for Ross' dad. A book for LightningBoy. (he wants a white blood cell and/or an official Ugly doll IceBat too!) Some sort of book for my brother. A baby toy or book for his second daughter.
And a gift for Ross' brother and his wife who we haven't talked to for a year or two? Who are rich? Who don't really need anything? Who last year got us a coupon book? (after we vowed to not go out so much anymore. lol!) Oh well. I was thinking about getting a basket of foods from around the world for them. We have so many foreign food stores around Salt Lake, it would be so easy to do. Actually when I thought about it, I could get all sorts of foreign foods right from my own Smiths down the street! We have food stores with foods from: Asia, Africa, Mediterranian, Australian/South Pacific, German, Italian, and Of course, from Mexico and South America! and these are only the stores that I actually know about myself. .. there's probably WAY more.

I like the idea. Now I just have to remember who I gave it to this year and give it to someone else next year. Muwa ha ha ha ha!

Wish me luck! Gotta get going!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well, no International Art Competition, but, it WAS displayed!

Well, so, there was a Stake Talent Show and I signed me and my two kids up to display something that we made. I displayed my art project based on Isaiah 1:18.
It represents coming up out of sin into righteousness.

I was happy to be able to show it off. (and be done with it. done.)

Friday, October 17, 2008

I want to crochet!

For Christmas, a couple of well meaning people saw yarn at All A Dollar and thought of me.
Wow! A Skein of Yarn for $1! I'll get my crocheting friend a whole bunch of it! She likes yarn...

Well, I saw that bin of cheap yarn at All A Dollar, and I know it was there on purpose.
It was pretty ugly!
Therefore, because of well meaning friends I got a whole bunch of weirdly colored eyelash/bumpy yarn (black, orange and red) and BRIGHT ORANGE soft wavy yarn.
Orange is my LEAST favorite color, next to yellow. Although I do love a soft pumpkin color.
But, that yarn WAS NOT pumpkin color.

Well, I decided that maybe I'll combine some of that bright orange yarn with some black yarn and maybe make myself some Halloweeny colored slippers. My feet are cold, I need some slippers and I have to use it somehow!

Yesterday I finished a little more of my Art Wall Hanging Project to display at the Stake Talent Show. I have one more week to stick the last sleeve-like thing on and add any embellishments that it asks from me.

I'll have to take a picture of it when I'm done. I'll have to take a lot of pics when I'm done. I DID spend a lot of time and energy on it... even though that energy petered toward the end.
At least there's a Talent Show to display it at. That's something.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'll be back to craftiness soon...

I worked SO HARD (and ignored it too much the rest of the time) on my wall hanging for the Church International Art Competition... BUT, life got sooo crazy busy that I decided it wouldn't be worth it to stress out about it. The due date for entry was last Friday, but I'm feeling very ZEN about not entering.
There's a Stake Talent Show coming up at the end of the month. I thought I would finish it up and display it at that.
Not as prominent.. lol...but less stressful. And that was what 2008 was supposed to be about ... managing stress levels. I'm glad I did... If I were as stressed out and busy with non-necessary activities as I was last year, I wouldn't be able to handle everything that's come my way over the last few months.
Speaking of non-stress... I also got one of my three callings taken away! Yay!

Now, I want to make myself a nice pair of warm slippers, maybe a few tooth fairy bags, and I'm feeling a little more creative now.... just in time for Christmas stuff.

No one really reads this blog, right?

So, I might just repeat this on my other blog. roster007.livejournal.com

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Referal to my other blog while I take a crafty break.

Go here:


to read about me and my life.

My craftiness is on hold for a bit.

Thank you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Been so stressed out, so busy, so sick every weekend for 4 or 5 weeks (I've been to church twice in the last 6 weeks!)... that this blog is getting ignored.
Come to think of it, I haven't even been very crafty over the last week or two either.
I REALLY need to get to work on my art hanging for the LDS Church International Art Competition... I'm halfway done and it's due in October!
So, I NEED to get out of this inability to focus, this inbalance... and get some order and focus and be healthy!!!
I DID finish a nest bag for SoccerGirl's little owl puppet today. That's something. I'll have to remember to take a pic and put it on here some time this week. eh?

Until then, read my other blog, roster007.livejournal.com at least I'm trying to keep that one updated once or twice a week.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

haiku Wednesday

Okay. Haiku based on a current event in my neighborhood. A big water pipe broke in our elementary and school was canceled for today. Tomorrow they are sending 1 and 2nd graders on a field trip, and sending the kindergarteners to have class in the community center.
The grades that have their classes upstairs will be unaffected. Even though my son's classroom is upstairs they already had a field trip planned for tomorrow.
(I hope my daughter is okay in a new environment... crossing fingers....)

Water floods the school
Classes resume tomorrow
Today we are bored.


Water floods the school
Classes canceled for today
Splishy Splashy Sploosh!


Water floods the school
An unexpected day off
Watch movies, play Wow!


Water floods the school
No tears from students falling
A day off to play!


Water floods the school
Classes resume tomorrow
Soggy day at school...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Maybe I'll start writing on Tuesdays and Thursdays?

I've been thinking about making this into an lolcat pic. But, I need a good caption.
I've thought of: I luv mah teddy bear! or Hug teh feet! Hug teh feet!
or maybe, Stop right there foot! or The foot stops here.

I went Visiting Teaching the other day and I used the conference talk by Elder Ballard about mothers. I LOVE that one of his points was to find one or two interests or hobbies that ENRICH you and give yourself time to pursue them. (of course, he also said to not waste time looking at the internet :)
Of course, being a Jack of All Trades and Master of None makes me have TONS OF INTERESTS! It would be hard to only pick two interests.
I guess then I should say, Thank goodness for being chronically ill... if it weren't for that holding me back all the time I would have SO MANY pursuits! And perhaps my family would be left behind in my dust!

I would love to learn woodworking and build furniture. On big garbage days I look at all the
wood/old furniture people are throwing out that I could reshape and refurnish and make beautiful again!

Oh yeah, I wanted to learn how to shape stone too. And maybe weirdly, would like to make my own headstone. I want it to look like a stack of books, or an open book?

I REALLY need to learn how to can fruits and veggies. People say, "Oh, I just made freezer jam... yawn." like it's easy. I need to learn how.

I wish I could be an animal researcher and know more about cats than anyone else in the world.
I always thought it would be really awesome to volunteer at the zoo and work with the big cats and maybe the sloth!
AND THEN I could write a definitive book on cats and sloths and be rich and famous! :)

I would like to try my hand at being a psychologist and delve (with permission) into the psyches of people and help them FIX problems. (however, I've often thought I would worry too much about people and it wouldn't be a good job for me)

I would like to be the person who types in the INFO for the cable t.v. company. Whoever does it now doesn't know WHAT they're typing about! I'm such a t.v. person that I know a little bit about everything and I know a LOT about some things.

I WISH I could read every single book we own. (I'm going to need to count them to make that sound more impressive... I mean, I just counted the books I can see from here and there's at least 176 so far.... and there's WAY more downstairs and a book shelf or two in each bedroom too!) ALSO, at Barnes & Noble I made a list of at least 10-15 books I WANT to read.
Too many books, not enough time.

I've always wanted to rebuild a 50s car... and make it nice!

I've also loved to teach people. If I had enough energy, it would be cool to be a teacher.... but, in the younger grades when hopefully you have some influence on teaching them manners and kindness for each other.

I've ALWAYS loved languages. I'm sad my Japanese is going away, leaking out of my head drip, drip, drip! I wish I could learn: Spanish (would be the most helpful to me!), Chinese, Korean (so I can understand what Jin and Sun are saying on Lost :), Hebrew, German, French, Swahili (since we have a bunch of refugees in our ward who speak that), and the Burmese language too (since we have a bunch of refugees in our ward who speak that too).
Hawaiian would be fun to learn (popoki means cat in hawaiian), Russian would be interesting too.
I find myself gathering words here and there in all the different languages I come across.

I hate the down and dirty of politics so, maybe I could be the first Dictator of America and fix all the dishonest and crazy things that happen in D.C. and divert bribe money to teachers and poor people? In case that Dictator of America doesn't work out, perhaps it would be cool to be really involved in my community and perhaps run for City Councilwoman?

I wish I had enough energy to work on my house and get rid of my kitchen's stupid Dairy Cows border and hearts and sheaves of wheat wall paper! I can see how nice my house looks in my head. My kitchen in crisp Royal Blues and white and silver. SoccerGirl's room with Jungle murals like she wants. My shoe hall looking like a small forest. My room either Japanese or Medieval. Livingroom like a library. Downstairs livingroom with thick green carpet and the ceiling painted like it's tree tops and blue sky! (you know, to match the knotty pine on the walls)
Finishing the faux painting on my Dungeon room downstairs.
I have dreams! but, no energy (or money!) to fulfill them.

I have books I want to write.

I have cooking techniques I want to master.

Crochet techniques to master and a ton of wonderful things I could sell on my Etsy site.
(CrochetBagLady on Etsy) This is something I could be working on... just got to get going on it!

So, that's enough for today. I'm sure that after I get off the computer I'll think of some more things I want to do.... or could do IF I wasn't chronically ill.

Can you pick only two interests or hobbies to do?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sick and Tired and Busy! Oh my!

Okay. I've been sick EVERY Weekend for the last 3 weeks! with someone in my little family.
It's nice to take turns, but, this is Ridiculous!
Something has been written on every day of the calendar so far this month.
This Thursday is the first day on the calendar without anything written on it!
That's my excuse. So, now that I find myself recovering from being sick and finding some time, here's a little catch up.

Photo Friday:
This past week or two my little tree out in front of my house bloomed. It's such a precious thing because that's about all I get, a few weeks of beautiful pink blooms.
The other day the kids proudly announced that they had taken sticks and beaten my poor little tree in order to make the petals fall on them. They love it and think it's beautiful. I'm sure it is beautiful but, HEY! my tree! Those blooms don't last for long! Be nice to my tree!

Writing Wednesday:

Breezes blow gently
My kids beat my tree with sticks
Pink Petals float down

If anyone reads this who knows about trees.... what kind of tree is this anyway?

Crochet Friday:
My crochet project of the month so far has been a carrying bag for my son's beloved Oreo.
We lost Oreo for a few days and my son was inconsolable. We finally found him (in the house so he was safe the whole time. whew!) and I made a little spaceship for him to live in and for him to be more findable.

Does it look like it's a spaceship firing up it's boosters and ready for take off?
He loved it by the way... and now my daughter is starting to want bags for her little stuffed animals like my son's. Well, as long as I never have to make a tuxedo for a big-medium sized stuffed animal, I'm happy to make small items and bags for the little stuffed animals. :)

Mmm-Mmm Monday
My dad went to the Franco-Belgian Mission. While in France he learned how to make crepes. SO, he made crepes for us on Mother's Day. I learned how to make crepes, and eventually allowed my husband to learn how to do it. I even have a crepe pan from France.
My kids have discussed finding another holiday to eat crepes on ... perhaps July 14th for Bastille Day? (french independence day and my brother's b-day?)
Here's the recipe:
2 cups All Purpose Flour
4 Tab Sugar
1/4 teas. Salt
3 cups Milk
4 Eggs
2 Tab Oil (or melted Butter)
1 teas. Vanilla
In mixing bowl, combine all ingredients. Beat with a mixer until smooth.
Lightly grease a 6 inch skillet or bigger (it's good to have two pans going at the same time for maxium output of crepes and fewer grumpy people waiting for crepes. :).
Heat pan till water dropped on surface sizzles. (just under medium is a good temp)
Pour in about 1/4 cup of batter for a smaller pan and twice that for a big skillet.
Lift and tilt skillet in a circular motion to spread the batter evenly.
Return to heat and cook on one side till very lightly browned. Loosen crepe by running a spatula around edges of crepe. Turn it over and cook for a few seconds.
Invert pan over paper toweling to remove crepe.
Repeat with remaining batter, greasing skillet as needed.
With my 1 big pan and 1 small pan I can make 13 crepes. 2 small pans would probably produce closer to 30 crepes.
We like to put the following in our crepes: Strawberries and Whipped Cream, Nutella and Bananas, Chocolate sauce and Bananas, Blueberry jam (or other kinds of jam) with powdered sugar on top.
Good luck or should I say? Bon chance!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Is it Wednesday or Thursday? Let's pretend it's Wednesday...

Here's some extra Haiku to make up for it being Thursday...
(let's hope the spaces stay where I put them!)

Though sick and tired
Life continues moving on
Take a deep breath, breathe.

I'm Zombie Mommy
Through sick and tired I serve
Yawning all day long.


Spring is here, kind of
Flowers struggle under snow
Yellow under white

Snow falls from blue sky
Sun shines down while the snow falls
Nature is confused!

Spring blooms in glory!
My head and nose exploding
Allergies once more.

(This is what it looked like outside my door this morning.)
I could write Haiku all day... maybe next week I should challenge myself and either try to write a story using Haiku OR actually write a short story (which would challenge me!).

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Apology Tuesday- Invention Tuesday!

Apology Tuesday is starting to become a regular occurence... pout.
But, since I was sick, I don't have to apologize.

Today, I will tell you that I keep having an idea that I need to make. This morning my mind was furiously working out how to make it. Now I just have to make some measurements and get to the hardward store!

I am making a ramp that attaches to the side of my bed so my soon to be 13 year old cat can get on my bed without that sad scrabbling (that sometimes ends up scratching my legs!).

I think it's a great idea. I just need to make one and see how well it works.
If it works well, then maybe I need to get myself to one of those inventor's workshops... eh?

Next, making a simple pulley system so my son can re-shut his door each time our young cat pushes open his door without getting out of bed. :)

AND then I need to make some cupcakes, and some Milk Chocolate Chip Coconut Oatmeal Cookies too! I want to call them Choco Coco Oatmeal Cookies. I imagine they might taste like those Magic cookies? We will see! That's to make up Mmm-Mmm Monday... K?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Poetry Wednesday

Haiku by me

My eyes are open
But I cannot see Today
I see the Future...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Two! Two! Two days in one!

No need to say, busy, sickness, etc. for my excuses for Friday's post, right?
So, today I'll include a Crochet Friday and a Mmm-Mmm Monday. K?

So, this weekend was Stake Conference for us. The youth meeting including kids ages 10-18! That meant that my son was invited to come... for the first time... to the youth meeting.
The theme of this Conference was Preparing.
Well, my son got this little thumb puppet owl in Boise on our way to Portland, Oregon last summer. In this Youth meeting he asked me if I could make a nest for him.
The owl's name is : Mr. Who
So, I made this nest that is a bag, and if you turn down the sides it's a nest.
I also, on a whim, made an egg for him... although, Mr. Who is a boy... oh well.
So, top pic is the turned down Nest Mode with egg, bottom pic is turned up bag form... it can go up a little higher. Yeah, this is what I did during Stake Conference...

Now for Mmm-Mmm Monday:
I made this last night because it's sooo good. Plus, maybe I'm just craving peaches and just need to eat some peaches. BUT, what's better than just plain peaches? Peach Upside-Down Cake!
I got the recipe off the internet, but, I've already changed it a lot to make it my own.
Peach Upside-Down Cake
1/2 cup + 1/4 cup Butter
1 cup + 1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1- 28 oz can peach slices (+1 smaller can of sliced peaches)
(optional: maraschino cherries, halved)
1 1/3 cup peach juice from cans (+ water if there's not enough peach juice)
2 eggs
1 box Yellow or Butter Pecan cake mix
Melt butter in 9 x 13 pan while preheating oven to 350 degrees. When butter is melted mix in the brown sugar and make sure it's evenly distributed on the bottom of the pan.
Drain peaches, save juice. Arrange peach slices (and cherry halves) in the sugar mixture.
Add enough water to the peach juice (if you need to) to make 1 1/3 cups of liquid;
add liquid and 2 eggs to the cake mix. Mix as directed on the package.
Pour batter over the fruit. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 50 minutes or until cake pulls away from sides of pan. Let stand 5 minutes then turn upside down onto a cake dish or large platter (a cookie sheet worked for me).
Serve warm with whipped cream or icecream.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Make-up Writing Wednesday

The dark, the snow, Cold.
Weighing down my blooms. THE SUN!
Shines! Warms! All is well.

Here's my excuse for not writing yesterday:
Yesterday was busy. I played a Vetrinarian game with my daughter. Whew! It was hard!
I actually got a load of dishes and some other big pans washed. A miracle if you ask me!
I cancelled our Bear Cub Scout Meeting, but, gave them an assignment to get some of the family requirements done.
Which barely gave us enough time to eat and get ready for SoccerGirl's LAST Indoor Soccer Game. Whiiiich.... was AWESOME! I think the score was like 8 or 9 to Nothing! Which my son kept calling, 8 to Zit! SoccerGirl made either one goal and one assist or two assists.
We ended our game of "I Spot Carter!" (a game my son made up that if we saw SoccerGirl's teammate Carter fall down or cry we yell, "I Spot Carter!" we got a point.) Last night Carter's big brother fell down a couple of times! We gave ourselves extra points for that!
Afterwards we celebrated by going to Baskin Robbins! I couldn't finish my Junior Mints icecream... whew... too rich!
Therefore, Writing Wednesday went by the wayside. But, I'm making up for it today. K?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Apology Tuesday

This month the Thursdays through Saturdays are booked.
So, Friday's post didn't get done.
This month I've gotten more and more tired and hips and back in more pain.
(plus I was tired and my brain couldn't wrap itself around typing in a password.)
So, Monday's post didn't get done.

So, I apologize.
I have enjoyed my regular jaunt into crafty land and will continue to do my best from now on.
All this tiredness and pain have been really great for my poetry writing!
How's that for looking on the bright side? :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Writing Wednesday

My Mountains by CraftyTeresa

The Mountains I climb,

I climb each day.

I climb the detritus of life.

I climb a Mountain of pain and tiredness,

the most challenging climb every day.

The Mountains of understanding , patience and teaching

stand before me waiting.

The Mountains of being Wife, Mother and Me equally,

stand tall and climbing all three seem impossible.

At the end of the day I am exhausted, spent...

Did I get anything done? Did I climb any Mountain today?

There are so many more Mountains to climb as well.

In my sleep I fall fitfully back down all the mountains I've climbed...

and my Mountains wait for my footsteps once more.
(a special thanks to my Dad for the pic of the mountain. I think it's from a trip he took to Idaho.)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Memory Monday turned sad rant

I remember growing up in Rupert, Idaho.
I remember a LOT of freedom and running around outside and walking with brothers and friends to the Wilson Theatre for a matinee in "downtown" Rupert. The suckers at the Theatre had a chance of having a star inside... and if you got the star you got another sucker for FREE!
I remember knowing most of the people who lived on my street.
During the summer we would stay up until it was dark and then run around in the dark playing our child games like Murder in the DARK! until mom yelled for us to come in.
We could ride our bikes all the way across town to go to the City Pool, or ride our bikes miles the other way to Cemetery Hill with a hot dog in a baggie for our meal when we got there.
I remember walking to Elementary school and watching a dead cat decompose day by day.
I walked to Jr. High (Jr. High is a horror story for another time). High School was too far to walk, so I rode the bus or drove after I got my license. I don't remember gangs existing.
I really remember bullies and mean boys and barely existing and frustrating things happening.
I remember hearing where kids hung out to drink in my Junior year of high school. The reality of life hit me in my Senior year when my friend became pregnant and my family and I moved to another town in the middle of my senior year of high school.

People who grew up here in Salt Lake in the 50s - 70s remember riding their bikes all across Salt Lake City. They remember being safe and walking and riding their bikes everywhere.

What happened? Something changed during the 80s I think.
Suddenly people were fearful. Suddenly the world wasn't a safe place.
I really wonder what happened.
My husband suggests that in the 80s the news started using fear to get people to watch their news channel. Maybe we all found out about all the bad things and abuse came out of the closet, so to speak. Maybe being more aware of the evil made us fearful and we taught our kids to be fearful and kept them closer to us and to home.

When my brother (who is 10 years younger than me) went to Elementary school (the new one right around the corner from our house) he couldn't wear a Raider's t-shirt for fear of getting beat up by "gang kids". A girl in his class stole alcohol from her father's cabinet and hid it in her desk at school. A man threatened someone with a knife in the apartments my grandma lived in just down the street from my parents house.
Things seemed worse. I bet my brother didn't get to just run around and go to town by himself and ride his bike everywhere.... I'll have to ask.
Maybe it will add a piece to the puzzle of :
What happened between when I was a kid and our kids today?

Fear mongering news making outside seem very unsafe?
Computers and games and T.V. inside?
The heightened awareness of abuse and kidnapping?
I mean, there are 120 registered sex offenders living in my immediate area....
talk about heightened awareness of bad things!

Ross and I both grew up in very small towns (his was smaller than mine!) and we both had free and fun and running around town kind of childhoods. We are sad that it's not safe enough to allow our kids to run around and explore their world. In fact, parents who let their kids run amuck (aka. go to the park by themselves) are looked down upon!

Anyway, we try our best to make sure our kids go out (Buddy System!) and play. We make sure our kids know to get away from adults that are TOO friendly or ask them for help (a normal adult wouldn't ask a kid they don't know for help finding their dog, etc.) .
We tell them all the time that we trust them so much, it's the people we don't know that we don't trust.
So much they need to know to be safe these days.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Fine Art Friday!

I had to show this off!
This morning my 6 year old daughter brings this painting out to take to her show and tell today at school. She told me that she did this painting last night in her room when she was supposed to be going to sleep. (well, okay you can stay up if you produce art... lol)
I made sure to take a pic before she took it to school.
I LOVE it! And not just as a Mom, but, as a woman who loves to look at art.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Writing Poetry Wednesday

TODAY by CraftyTeresa

My thoughts,
as dark as the sky outside
and as full as the clouds that promise a downpour soon.

Too full of information!
Even though I need to stuff more in...
Too full of dark thoughts!
Even though I need to think more...

I wish I could be as the zen monks of long ago.
Only the present existed.
Only the self existed.

But, no.
I am a mother.
I can't afford the luxury of the present.
I can't afford the luxury of the self.
I am all to all.
The opposite of zen.

Someday I will be sad that I'm not all to all anymore.
Someday I will recieve my zen-me time.
Someday I will look back and be glad.
Today I am a mother.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Quick! Mmm-Mmm Monday!

Here's a really good chocolate frosting recipe, I think I got it from my Grandma:

Creamy Chocolate Frosting

3 Tab Margaine (or Butter) slightly melted
3 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar
1/2 cup Cocoa
1/8 teas Salt
1/4 cup Milk (plus some to get the right consistency)
1/2 teas Vanilla

Beat well till creamy.

Yep. That's it.
I've put this together the way you're SUPPOSED to put together frosting, and I've just dumped it all in and "beat well till creamy"... both ways worked.
Ross makes Hershey's recipe for Brownies from scratch with his own addition of chocolate chips and I made the frosting. It's an annual tradition for him to take in his brownies around his birthday. THIS year, he didn't advertise, the newer people at work didn't know about it and he came home with LEFTOVERS! YAY!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Kind of boring Crochet Friday

Today was Crochet Day at my friend Sarah's house. I LOVE Crochet Day.
I brought my project for the LDS International Art Competition to work on. I'm about half-way done with the crocheting part of it. But, then after that's done I'll still have a lot more to do on it.
Today I got two rows done and then crocheted a whole row that I had to take off, because it was done on the wrong side. argh!
It's an abstract crocheted wall hanging. It depicts coming up from Sin and repenting and becoming pure. It's based on a scripture from Isaiah about how "though your sins be as scarlet... they will be as white as wool" ... you know, something like that.

I keep entering this Competition... even though I realize that it's an International Competition and a Foriegn works of art are more likely to be accepted than mine from Salt Lake City.
But, Hope is Eternal.... and I keep trying.
Also, professional artist enter this competition too... I had no hope of winning in the painting category. I entered paintings twice.
Once for the very first competition, and once when Ross and I were dating. Then I got wise and made a crocheted wall hanging (like a hanging quilt but, crocheted) depicting The Beginning and then down through the ages through my pioneer ancestors to me. Yeah, it wasn't accepted.
I've never seen anything crocheted be accepted ... unless it was some sort of really fancy doily art. Usually in the textile section quilts, REALLY nice quilts, win.

All of my last entry's pics are on the other computer that doesn't work, otherwise I would post them...
This year's project is a secret until it's picture has been safely mailed in before October... my deadline.

I'm going really crazy abstract this time... and no matter what happens, I will keep entering.
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Writing Haiku Wednesday!

My month has been SO BUSY, but now I find myself with a half of a week with Ross home, kids home and fun things planned. No stress. Aaahhhh.... I'm not even peeking at April's calendar stuff. Nope. Not till April 1st. And then I might think it's a joke... :)
Enjoy my haiku.

Rushing like the wind
Schedules, Errands, Everything!
Now, breathing slowly...

by CraftyTeresa

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mmm-Mmm Monday

Today I will share my secrets to making a cake mix taste great.

1. I always sift the mix. It gets rid of lumps and adds some air.
2. Add flavor to the water. For a chocolate cake I make hot chocolate out of the water.
If I want a peachy flavor I add the juice from a can of peaches.
Lemon cake? Add lemon juice to the water.
I added Vanilla Hot Chocolate to a yellow cake mix... it was pretty good.
3. You can add a small package of dry pudding mix to your cake mix.
Your cake extra tender and light.

Like Jello Poke Cake? Here's what I do:
Bake the cake.
Poke holes using the end of a wooden spoon.
Pour liquid jello all over cake and refrigerate.
Make a complimentary flavor of PUDDING and fill in the holes!
Cover with Whipped Topping.
To show everyone what flavor your Poke Cake is inside:
Use colored sugar to make a picture of the fruit flavor on top of the whipped topping.

Other Flavor Ideas:
1. Do you like Cherry Chocolate flavor?
Use a chocolate cake and cherry jello for your poke cake... perhaps around Christmas time?
2. Use a yellow cake mix, pineapple jello and coconut pudding for a Pina-Colada cake!
3. Hmmm, I haven't tried a Lemon/Lime Poke cake yet... that sounds nice!

Have fun!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Photography Friday

Okay. I was asked to make a wedding cake. I haven't made one since... the 90's... and that was BEFORE I got all my Wilton stuff. This is her second wedding. Her husband died before we moved here, so I never knew him. She is a very independent and energetic 70 year old, who can be taken for a woman in her middle to late 50s. She can definitely out walk me!
Her fiancee' loves chocolate cake, so the cake is mostly chocolate. :)
Since it's Easter Weekend she wanted an Easter themed Wedding Cake.

Here's a small step by step:
Bottom layer is Chocolate, with chocolate frosting in the middle.
Middle layer is Yellow, with chocolate frosting in the middle.
Top layer is Chocolate. Did I mention that I used Hot Chocolate as the water?
And Vanilla Hot Chocolate for the water in the Yellow mix.

At this point, Thursday afternoon, I was hitting my creativity wall. Things come easily to me, and suddenly the frosting wasn't smooth, the cake looked like it was TOO BIG of a project and I was scared and frustrated. Ross and my friend said over the phone that it looked just fine... what? So, I cried a bit and got over that wall and my mind figured out how to fix it.

This was my solution: cello wrap! Isn't it pretty and springy? Plus, the cello wrap would protect the ribbons that I thought of putting around the cake too...

Here's the ribbons. I wanted to make sure you could see the pretty green swirly cello wrap under the ribbons. The green grass really matched the cello wrap and filled out the cake.
Aren't the bunnies cute? I wanted to make sure the new couple would have a little something to keep from their cake to remember their day.
Cakes are like balloons and flowers... they just don't last! Ethereal!

Here's the final product with the material around the bottom. So pretty!

What do you think? An Easter Wedding Cake! I think she will love it as much as I do!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Writing Wednesday

Last Wednesday I wrote about the daughter "seeing" everything and the mom, as an adult, not "seeing" everything. Right after I finished, I thought, 'But... What if it's the mom that sees everything and the daughter is skipping around NOT seeing everything around her?' Hmmm.
Like always this is a draft of an idea. enjoy! Please feel free to critique it!

Existence II by CraftyTeresa

As I walked to the school to pick up my daughter I breathed in the fresh Spring air. I relished every lungfull and exhaled slowly. I looked up at the beautiful Robin's Egg blue sky, it was a wonderful Spring day. Just a few shy clouds around the edges of the sky trying to make pictures. I could hear the birds singing a jubilant song. The birds seemed even happier than I was about Spring's arrival. I looked down to see shoots of Spring flowers coming up from the ground. And Hey! I just saw my first Robin of Spring! I looked around at the houses I passed, the old bird's nest in the trees, the dogs in their yards. So many details! So many vibrant colors! Suddenly, I found myself at the school.
"Okay! Time to go home!", I said.
"I want to go to the PARK!", she countered.
"Well...", I hemmed and hawed a bit.
"I want to go to the Park today! Um, Please?", Ah, she remembered the magic word!
"Oh, alright...", I had brought a book with me, so it might be nice to go to the park.
As we walked to the park I kept looking at all the wonders of nature waking up from a deep sleep. The leaves, the grass, the bark on the trees. The yards of the neighbors.
'I wonder if we could make our flower garden look like that this year?', I wondered to myself.
The sun was warm on our heads and shoulders, Spring felt good!
The smell of warming dirt and rain washed air was invigorating!
I tried to point out the wonders of nature to my daughter.
"Look at how pretty that little purple flower is!", I said.
"Yeah, yeah, I know! Hurry! Walk faster! We need to get to the Park!", she said and then ran ahead of me.
My thoughts started running as we approached our little neighborhood park, 'Can't she see all the beauty of the world around her? There's so much to see and hear and feel and smell! Is her youth making her run as fast as she can making the world a blur of color? Is it only because I'm older that I've slowed down that I've been able to actually see the world?'
My daughter started playing on the play equipment with screams of delight and multiple yells of "Look at me!"
I sat down on the park bench and took one last look at the wonderful sights and smells and sounds of the world around me and then opened my book to read.
The world disappeared...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mmmmm Monday! With a little Memory thrown in...

Why would today be a "good and yummy" Monday?
Our Spring Break starts today and runs for 2 weeks. That's why.
February's calendar was SO FULL! March started out pretty empty and then has two weeks of Very Very Full Calendar (which is including this week ) and then next week has 4 days of kids off from school and Ross off from work.
We're so happy to have time off that we're not sure WHAT we will do with ourselves!
We want to see if the 26th is the last free zoo Wednesday, so we might go there... we want to watch a few movies that we have been WAITING for them to come out on video (DVD) all comfy in pajamas and wrapped up in blankets and take naps in between movies, and Ross wants all by himself time... and since it's his b-day at the end of the month... by George! he's gonna get it!
We NEED this time off. We NEED to rest and regain our strength and balance.... yay for days off!

How about another catagory for Monday? Mmmm Monday sounds like a perfect heading for a recipe sharing kind of blog day!

So, here's a recipe for Mmmm Monday! Now, be careful! These are Addictive!
And for a little Memory for Monday... I remember making these at home as a young one growing up. There was never a recipe, it was just a part of our brains! and
My Grandma and I would make a pan of these and eat them ALL by ourselves in two days!
I've had fun experimenting with these... and that's why there are so many ( )s.

Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Thingys
1 cup sugar (1/2 brown, 1/2 white is interesting)
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup Peanut Butter
6 cups Corn flakes (or Rice Krispies)
(I've also used Honey Bunches of Oats cereal )
Topping (is optional):
1 cup Semisweet Chocolate Chips
1 cup Butterscotch Chips

In a pan bring sugar and corn syrup to a boil. Remove from heat and add peanut butter.
Mix in cereal till coated then pour and press into a buttered 9x13 pan. Let cool
Topping (optional):
Melt chocolate chips and butterscotch chips together either in microwave or in a double boiler, stir to blend. Spread over the P.B. Krispies mixture in pan. Can chill till firm or not.
Cut into bars.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Fluffy or Photograph Friday!?

I came up with a new category for Friday: Fluffy Friday! (or Photograph Friday?)
(so if I've been too crazy busy to talk about or gasp! even do Crochet, I'll post a Fluffy or Photograph Friday)
Today I think I can get both Fluffy and a Photograph in here all at once!
That's one cute little Fluffy Photograph of our cat Rain.
(my daughter took it. I thinks she's getting a kid's digital camera for Christmas so she won't use mine so much!) Enjoy the cuteness!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Writing Wednesday

Please remember that I just typed this right out of my head with only a read through or two and a check of grammar and spelling. So, essentially it's a rough draft. Enjoy!

Existence by CraftyTeresa

"Was that tree there before?", she asked.
"Yes, it's been here the whole 3 years that we've lived here." I answered.
"Nu-uh!" My daughter likes to be contrary.
"Yes it has! A year ago or so you planted a clover that you picked right under this tree.",
I said, just to try to argue back a little and make my point.
Finally she was able to accept that the tree did exist before she noticed it.
'Wow, has she only now noticed that large tree? Or did she just forget it was here?', I thought.
We had walked past that tree every day of three year's worth of school years. When it was just her brother going to school, we walked past it twice a day. This year with her in kindergarten, we only walk past it on the way home... but, it's always been there. Hasn't it?
When she pointed it out to me today it was as if I had also seen it for the first time. It looked like it had been there for a long time. The school was built in in 2000 I think, so the tree had to be at least as old as the school. Right?
Maybe it didn't really exist for her until she really noticed it? Maybe I had forgotten the tree or ignored it and it didn't exist for me until my daughter pointed it out to me.

I've always worried about my memory. This was something to really think about.

"Was that bush there before?", my daughter pointed to a bush in a yard on our trip home.
I laughed a little, "Yes. That bush was there before. There used to be a little fence there too, but they took it out. I can't remember if the bush was there behind that little fence... it might've been. But, yes, that bush has been there for a while.", I explained.
'There we go again!', I thought. Was my memory playing tricks on me again? I couldn't really remember if the bush was there or not before or after the little fence was removed.

It started me thinking, 'Am I really walking through life with blinders on? I work so hard on putting one foot in front of the other that I don't really notice the world around me.
Am I losing the child-like ability to stop and look up and question and make the world really exist around me and appreciate the beauty that surrounds me?'

I sighed and shook my head to clear it and looked down again so I could hurry to the next place and remember everything for everyone. I tried hard to ignore the pain and forced myself to put one foot in front of the other and finished the walk home.
And the world disappeared once more.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Miscellaneous Monday

Today my head is full of all sorts of dreams and thoughts and memories.
First I'll start with my dream:
For some reason I've been in re-runs lately. I specifically remember thinking in my dream last night, "Hmmm, I've had this dream before." "Last time the zombies laid a trap for me that would make my car jump up and then get skewered, so, this time I'll swerve around them."
Don't ask me why I dreamt about why I had a zombie movie type dream... I swear I didn't watch anything zombie like yesterday!
The other night I also remember thinking, "Hmm, I've had this dream before. How boring."
And yet, I went on with it anyway. My brain likes to keep really busy at night.

So, because of that zombie dream I watched a Chinese Zombie Vampire Kung Fu movie this morning. It was a free On Demand movie. Why not? I thought. Turns out (at least for this movie, I won't generalize) if a spirit is not at peace it turns into a zombie, then if it eats someone (by blowing it's acid breath at them and then sucking it back to them) it turns into a vampire wanting to eat people all the time. Then our four heroes and their Master come in and kung fu kick them around but, in the end have to blow up the big bad guy with dynamite, the Master sacrifices his life in order to kill him.
In the end the good guys leave each other's company, two of them "get the girl".
Yay! It's a happy ending!
Or is it?....
Last scene is the local town shrine/building FULL OF ZOMBIES kneeling down in nice orderly rows and waiting......fade to black. The End.
Isn't that a great ending?

The other things I wanted to talk about is that I've been reading a book called,

Controlling People

I think everyone should read this book. It's amazing.
It tells you that you cannot possibly know what others are thinking or feeling or what they like or dislike... If you think you know and tell people how they feel or think or like or dislike, you are trying to control that person by discounting THEIR experiences and treating them like they don't exist.

Here's some small memories that show an example of my mil trying to control me:

M: Here, wear this sweat shirt I got you for Christmas.
Me:No thank you. I'm not cold.
M: Yes you are! Put it on.
Me:No I'm not cold.

I was a newly wed and she was my brand new mil, so, I relented and put it on in the end to make her happy. I was controlled... But, this book made me think, 'Wait a minute! How could she possibly tell me how I feel?'

Anyway, so, that is your assignment. READ the book, CONTROLLING PEOPLE.
It's the next thing we need to fix around the world... if we respected each other and didn't try to control each other it would be a better, more respectful and happier world.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Writing Poetry Wednesday

Today's Writing Wednesday is going to be some poetry.
Poetry is really my forte, not writing stories. In college I took a Poetry class. The poetry class was right after I got done working in the Study Skills Center.
I dare you to say this 5 times fast: Hello! CSI Study Skills Center. How may I help you?
Anyway, they had paper and typewriters (yes, I said Typewriters! I'm old.) so I could type out a few poems every morning before Poetry class.
This was also a class that older people coming back to college or just taking a few courses for the fun of it would always join, so it was an interesting class. Then during the class the teacher would ask how long we've been working on our current poems....
Some would say "Two weeks!" Others would say, "I've been working on this poem for a whole year!"
I would never answer... but, in my head I would think, 'I typed out these 3 poems in the 5-10 minutes before class started.' Ahhh, I loved that class. EASY A! (and really, how do grade to poetry anyway... A's for Everyone!) Perhaps, if I get myself back to college I will take a writing class to help me get all these stories out of my head nicely... I already got poety down pat. :)

I Hear Hope

Head full to bursting
New Ideas, New Thoughts,
New Reasons for old problems
dropped in my brain. Plop!
Hope blooms from the pile of information
Now, we will hear each other...
Now, we will hear...

Hmmm, it was going to be a haiku, but, this is what needed to come out.
I love poetry.
This is all about my discovery and learning about Central Auditory Processing Disorder, and Sensory Integration Dysfunction and how it is changing the way I see myself and my family and how we are using the knowledge we have so far to help us help each other HEAR each other.
I like what this knowledge has done for us so far. We are definitely a little more understanding and compassionate with the kids. And I have hope that the more we learn and the more we are aware, and the more we change how we communicate and the more understanding we have and patience we have for each other the better things can get.

Because, "Knowledge is Half the Battle!"

Monday, March 3, 2008

Museum Monday

Today my friend called and asked if I could go with her to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum. I had one and a half hours free... so I said, "Yes! Let's go!"
I can sum up the trip with one phrase: Sensory Overload
Oh, let's make that two phrases... Wonderful.
I've got tons of pioneer ancestory on both sides of my family. I kept my eyes open for a name or object that would belong to one of them.
I found this:

This is Alexander Neibaur. He was born a jew in Germany and moved to England to start his own dentist business and met his wife and the missionaries too. He was a Pioneer. He met Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and taught them Hebrew and German. He might have helped Joseph Smith not whistle when he talked (because a mob broke a tooth and maybe Alexander fixed it), and definitely made Brigham Young's false teeth.
He is my 3rd great grandfather. There is a sister in my ward for whom he is HER 3rd great grandfather too. That's fun... I call her "cousin!".
I would like to find out more about my other pioneer ancestors and need to put more effort into that. I am thinking about joining the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and doing some more searching into the lives of my pioneer ancestors.
Anyway, This museum was wonderful and hello! chock full of pioneer stuff! I would love to be in charge of it and organize it!
There was a creepy room full of dolls. I felt very oppressed and couldn't breathe in there.
There was a beautiful room full of dishes and plates and it was a happy room.
There was a room dedicated to strong and intelligent women doctors and midwives and it felt good in that room too. Strong, intelligent, confident women! You could definitely feel that vibe.
There was a room with beds and cribs and rocking chairs that gave me an electric feeling and made me a little weepy as soon as I entered it... as soon as I stepped out of that room, weepy gone, electric pressure feeling gone. Wow. Also, while I was in there, I kept thinking that the rocking chairs should be rocking by themselves... but, they didn't.
And that is my report for Museum Monday! Next time I go, I will definitely take more pics. There were some gorgeous Early American style portraits that I want to have a pic of so I can look at it at my leisure. And so much crochet! etc.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Crochet Friday!

Well, I'm still working on my American Indian Wall Art bags. Pictures will have to be for next week. Today is Crochet Day and I will be going to my friend's house to crochet.
What I REALLY need to work on is my Abstract Crochet Wall Hanging for the Church International Art Competition. I've never seen anything crocheted get in to the contest, so I tried the last time and didn't get accepted. Sometimes, I think I don't get accepted because I'm from Utah and it's trying to show more of the International people's work.
Well, I need to get to work on that one... and my little AIWA bags.
Since the pics from my last "work of art" are on the other computer which doesn't work and can't communicate with this one... I'll just have to find a pic that has to do with crochet and is on THIS computer.
Okay. So, Mr. Computer says, "No Pictures Today."
Next week. Next week pictures.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Writing Wednesday - More of an: Idea for a Story talk Wednesday

I WANT to write a story about something that happens to me. But, I'm not sure how to go about it. Here's what happens:
As I walk to the school to fetch various kindergarteners, one belonging to me, I have visions of Worst Case Scenarios (Dark Visions is going to be the title of the story) and then I think about what I would do, how would I react in each scenario.

I see myself falling on the ice and breaking my leg and having to pull myself along to a nearby house.
I see a mushroom cloud in the distance and imagine myself instantly not exsisting and ending up as a black sillouette on the brick wall of the school.
I see an earthquake happening as I walk to the school and see myself getting to the school and huddling with my kids and waiting to see if my husband will make it to the school...
On the way home I can see kids impaling themselves on sticks that they are running with...
I see that stupid pit bull that gets out of his yard, attack us and rip up my arm because I'm trying to protect the children (would I be able to ever crochet again?).
I see a kid I'm supposed to being taking care of Jump off of playground equipment and break his leg,
I see a kid NOT listen to me and run out into the street and get run over by a car who didn't see him because they were talking on their cell phone.

Then I get home and sink in my chair and sigh a big sigh of relief... I made it home... nothing bad happened! Whew!
and then...
What if one of those things ACTUALLY happened and because I have been running it through my mind and thinking about what I would do if that happened... I was the hero because I was able instantly jump into action and save the day!

Anyway. That's MY idea. And I will keep thinking about HOW to write that into a story.
Thanks for listening.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sorry about Friday. Let's continue with a Miscellaneous Monday.

Today for Miscellaneous Monday I'll show you the cake I made and decorated for a Baby Shower that I was volunteered to be in charge of...
I've never hosted a baby shower before... but I hear that I did a good job. That's one of my talents I guess, that even though I'm a bonefide introvert, I can get up in front of people and be entertaining.
I LOVED this cake and was sad that I only got one piece.
I took a lemon cake mix (I always sift the cake mix to make it lighter and airy and NO Lumps) and added the juice of one lemon to the water amount, and the zest of same lemon to the mix as well. Nice and lemony.
Then, I put cream cheese frosting with the zest of another lemon in the middle and frosted all around with a lemon frosting. Wrote the words with a vanilla frosting w/ blue food coloring and paste.
After I got done I realized that the baby coming out of a flower seemed a bit Freudian... but, it's also very Japanese fairy tale too. Babies are always coming out of plants and fruits to be raised by childless elderly people in Japan. So, that made it okay. whew!

The lady who voluteered me to be in charge makes a wonderful Texas Sheet cake and was in charge of making sure the gift opening went smoothly.
Everyone enjoyed the Introduction Game: where everyone took turns standing up telling what their name was and WHY their parents gave them that name and/or what their name means.
Then we also played identify the baby food without the labels on them, and who can guess the measurement of the mom-to-be's tummy?
That was ENOUGH games. Games are best in moderation.
Present opening, cake and icecream eating.
And everyone had a great time.
And Now I have Baby Shower Hosting Experience under my belt.
Let's hope I don't have to do this again for a loooong time. K?

Let me just quickly make up for Friday by telling you about this: At my children's school there is a big display set up about Ancient American Indian Wall Drawings. I felt inspired and started making a figure from those wall drawings... then I turned it into a bag. I want to make more and then I will photo graph it and show and talk more about it on Friday. K?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Writing Wednesday is more like Writer's Wednesday

I don't have time to write a story today. I have one in mind... I have several in mind... but, no time. And I don't want to get into any habit of missing my Monday, Wednesday, Friday crafting habit.

So, instead of writing a story I'm going to mention a few of my favorite books. I can't mention them all, but, I can write about the ones that have really stuck with me through the years and new favorites too.

1. Sherri S. Tepper the 9 books that all start with King's Blood Four.
I read King's Blood Four after I borrowed it from my mom's bookcase. And then I kept it. And then I read it over and over again. A world based on chess ...cool.
Then, year's later the night before my wedding I was in a used book store in Logan, Utah. That is where I found book number three: Wizard's Eleven! I was FLOORED! There are more?
That night I bought that book and began my search for number 2: Necromancer's Nine.
I found the first trilogy and then found out there were two more trilogies that went with the first one.
So far I've found 8 out of 9, PLUS a 3 books in one book that includes the one book I'm missing.
Last night I even thought about writing Sherri S. Tepper a fan letter about the King's Blood Four series. They never mention these books when they tell about the books she's written.
I think she also wrote a book about a River... oops, I can't remember but I'll have to find it... I've been thinking about it lately. I like that one too. I think I got a two books in one book and I still need to find it! Southshore and Northshore from 1987. Found the names not the book. :(
She writes about wonderfully grotesque and fantastical characters, she uses such beautiful and highly descriptive language that I can see exactly what she is writing about, and talk about great plot and world making!
They are all out of print and hard to find... but, WORTH IT!
She also has a Marianne trilogy that I'm trying to find too. I think I have the middle one...:(

I've figured out that I love books about people from Earth coming to a new planet and then seeing what their society develops into after hundreds or thousands of years after they've even forgotten they are originally from Earth. The King's Blood Four series does that.

2. Also, Marion Zimmer Bradley's world of Darkover series does that and I grew up loving those books. MZB also did an anthology series, Swords & Sorceress. I almost have all 21? of those books. Alas, Marion Zimmer Bradley died a while back.

I went downstairs to my triple stacked bookcase and found these books. They are all dog-eared, much read and much loved. I remember them. I grabbed them and want to read them again!

3. Nor Crystal Tears by Alan Dean Foster
4. The Colors of Space by Marion Zimmer Bradley
5. Crystal Singer by Anne McCafferey (also Killashandra Ree I think is the next one)
6. The Postman by David Brin
7. One for the Morning Glory by John Barnes (a great fairy tale)
8. Snow Crash by Neal Stephens (cyber punk!)
and then there's
9. The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett (also A Hat Full of Sky and Wintersmith)
SO FUNNY! (I want to read all of Terry Pratchett's books... a life time goal. :)
10. All the Harry Potters!
11. All the Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
(well, anything by Lemony Snicket! Have you read The Latke that wouldn't stop screaming?)
12. Motel of the Mysteries by David Macaulay

There's more but, I'd say that's enough for now. That's the basics.
Each one of these books brings memories and feelings to my mind and heart.
I remember far away places and favorite people that I have visited and revisited.
Who needs to travel?!
I love books.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Miscellaneous Memory Monday

As the oldest child of four, (I have 3 younger brothers) I often remember being the first to do something. Except blowing bubbles in gum and whistling, I had to work hard on those to catch up to my brothers.
From my perspective today I've thought of something interesting:

I was the first to take piano lessons and play clarinet and be in band at school. It was "my thing". I played clarinet from Jr. High through college until my carpal tunnel got bad.
I can still plunk out a tune on the piano... but, man! I'm rusty!
Plus, I spent hours and hours forcing my brothers to "play school" during the summer and I was their teacher!
And now my youngest brother is a Band Teacher in a High School in Idaho.

I ALWAYS got A's in Psychology. I've always loved studying how the mind works, personality tests, etc. Even talking with my brother on the phone about what I should study in school (someday!) he reminded me that I always loved Psychology!
What is this brother doing? He's going to school to be a Psychologist/Therapist.

I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS loved reading books. I remember searching for books on Eygpt in 4th grade. I remember wearing my dad's army jacket in Jr. High and getting teased about being "Hot Lips" Hoolihan. Why did I wear that jacket? Because it could hold two paperback books at the same time. From Jr. High through High School I always was reading two books at the same time. I remember being proud that I read at a college level all through High School.
Even on the night before my wedding I went to a used book store with my mother-in-law and husband to be.
What does my middle brother do? He SO out-reads me and not with just any books... he reads the classics! He is SO SMART. My husband and I really enjoy talking with him.
He's read all the classic books that I've always wanted to read but, this sci-fi/fantasy book over here looks like more fun...! :)

I'm not really jealous... the more I've thought about it, the more I would like to think that perhaps I helped my brothers? Maybe I started doing or liking something that helped them get toward where they've ended up? Could it be that I was any sort of good example for them?No matter what, I'm happy for them.
Growing up, I was like a little mother to my brothers. I wish we could be better friends now.
And I can see that we each DO have something in common.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Crochet Friday!

How many times do I need to say it... I Love Crochet! (I guess I need to say it a lot!)

This is MY Crochet Story:
I've always had a need for creative outlets.
I doodled political cartoons when I was in Elementary / Jr. High School.
I doodled and drew all the time. I read all the time too.
I took piano lessons. I sang in my Ward choir.
I joined Band in Jr. High and learned to play a clarinet.
I remember learning how to crochet a chain as a young teenager.
But, that's as far as I got with crochet back then.
My whole life I would experiment with creative things. I even made a Ninja Turtles cake for my little brother and an MTV cake for myself (back when MTV showed videos that had a story line and good music! :)
I even took some of my mom's counted cross stitch material and made a bustier for my Barbie doll.
It's funny that I can't remember anyone helping me or encouraging me or giving me any opportunities in the creativity department. I had to go out and do and find what I could to give myself a creative outlet. And boy! did I need an outlet! (Mom, if you read this, and if you can remember encouraging me or helping me discover creative outlets... let me know. :)
When I was a newlywed and newly diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, I used my ample time to hand stitch together a levi quilt out of old levis. After 13 years it's ALMOST done... I
worked on it last year with my new sewing machine.
I was able to make a wedding cake for our friend's wedding, they liked my carrot cake recipe and I even decorated it very nicely using baggies before I got into Wilton products.
In college I took art classes and loved to paint. Having kids made it so I had to take a hiatis and I hope to be able to paint again (when kids are both in school all day and I can be by myself).
In 1999 we moved from Provo to Salt Lake City.
In, I believe, May of 2000 we had a Homemaking meeting where a friend of mine taught a class on crocheting doilies. I still have the one I made... it's HORRIBLE!!!! My friend makes gorgeous doilies and even gave me one of hers later on... but, me?, I make horrible doilies!
Doilies will NEVER be my claim to fame.
From that one meeting, I was curious. I bought a book that taught me the stitches and how to read all the abbreviations in patterns. I bought hooks. I bought yarn. and because at that time I was wanting baby #2, so, I started my first real crochet project.... baby booties.
I wasn't very good at it though, because I ended up making ONE BOOTY per pattern I found.
and I found a lot of patterns. I still have a bag with a collection of different booties in my basement.
Thanks to the internet I found tons of patterns and experimented and tried and played with all sorts of yarns, hooks and ideas and patterns.
I discovered Tunisian Crochet and figured out that THAT was how my Grandma made afghans for all her grandkids. Unfortunately she gave all her tunisian crochet away BEFORE she found out that I crocheted. (a small sore spot with me, let's move on)
I discovered a kind of tunisian crochet that uses two yarns at the same time... and even managed to figure out how to do three!
After all that I figured out how to make my own crocheted projects just by looking at the pictures in the patterns and in magazines.
I now have almost all of the hooks (not too many thread crochet hooks). I have B-K, plus the LMNP also the Q hook (my favorite!), S hook and a two sided T size maple wood Tunisian crochet hook. I have also dabbled in the knitting world and own a few sets of knitting needles.
AND after almost 8 years I have ended up with 6+ rubbermaid containers of yarn.
I'm also a subscriber to CROCHET! magazine and am trying a subscription to Crochet today! magazine too.
I am now officially "the Crochet Lady". Even women who know how to crochet call me if they have a problem with a pattern OR have a pattern in their head that they would like made into a written pattern. (It was fun for her to make her reversible afghan and have me write down what she was doing.)
I love making little bags (coin bags, dice bags, tooth fairy bags, etc.). I end up making requested outfits for small stuffed animals (so far, ballerina tutus and karate gi's). I make small blankets for baby dolls and stuffed animals. I make scarves, and hats and slippers. I WANT to make socks and gloves. I've made myself a purse... and now I need to make another one that's smaller but, still fits my stuff... but not too much stuff.
Any time any one needs something, I can do it. And I like the feeling of being able to say that.
I am working on trying to be a crochet instructor for Michael's... sheesh people call me already!
Right now I'm working on an abstract art piece for the Church International Art Competition in which I have never seen a crocheted work of art. (wish me luck!)
I'm looking into Amigurumi (a japanese form of crochet where you make little animals and people with big heads. :) and Free Form Crochet where you can use all your little scraps to make a beautiful work of art that you can wear.
I love having Crochet Day at my friend's house on Fridays.
Talking with a friend and crocheting, it's a perfect combination.

I love Crochet.
I love yarn.
I'm a yarn hoarder.
I know I have a problem.
I can stop any time I want.

Crochet Land, it's a beautiful and colorful and soft place to live...
however you do end up with little pieces of yarn stuck to your clothes all the time...
eh, it's a cheap price to pay to live in Crochet Land!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Writing Wednesday!

Just so you know, everything I write on Writing Wednesday, is right out of my head with only a couple of read throughs and adjustments. Thus they are all pretty much rough drafts of things that have been floating around in my head for a while. Read them as such. I don't mind any critics piping in. (make sure you don't miss the pic at the bottom!)

Cats in the Park

It was cold as I walked to school to pick up Mara from kindergarten. It's only a block and a half, but it's a nice little walk. I love to walk past our little neighborhood park where the sky really opens up and I can see the mountains.
And then, a month ago those statues were put into MY park. I know the city means well by putting "art in the park", but did they have to put those creepy giant cat statues there? They sit just so, each one looking in a different direction. Each one a different color. Each one taller than my 6 year old.
I know I'm just paranoid, but, every time I walk past the park I swear I see a flicker of an ear, or a movement of a brass eye. The lady across the street told me that she likes to think that they are protectors of the neighborhood. I want to believe that. I want to believe they are on "our" side. I'm a cat person, and I know that cats are basically good creatures. But, I also know that, unlike dogs, you have to earn their love and respect and protection.
As much as I love art and love cats, they're still creepy.
On the other hand, it's been a while since I've seen graffiti in the park.
Older kids have begun to avoid the park...
So, no matter what happens, no matter what I see out of the corner of my eye, as I pass my little park I always end up thinking of the Egyptian cat goddess Bast and I bob my head towards the creepy Cats in the Park and thank them for protecting my neighborhood.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Today's Miscellaneous Monday is about Photography!

The City of Salt Lake purchased this mansion just recently and on Saturday had an open house so citizens can help figure out what to do with it. It was built in 1893 for a man from Germany who was a brewer. The pamphlet said that it cost $13,000. to build back then. Man! have times changed! Their open house was from 2-4pm and we got there soon after 2pm and had to park WAYY down the street and THEN it took a whole hour to get through it because there were SO MANY PEOPLE there. WE had to wait for people to come down the stairs before we could go up, and wait for people to come up before we could come down. It was crowded and smelled like an old musty house that's seen better days, BUT it WAS BEAUTIFUL. I think I will be using that word a little too much here. BEcause there were so many little details, so many little beautiful details. It's the little details that make things really special. And this was a special mansion. I was happy to get to go and take part in our local government.
Here's a statue of Mary out in front of the mansion. After the mansion wasn't being used as a house anymore it was turned into a convent for the sisters of Our Lady of Victory and after that was used as a halfway house for men who were homeless or on drugs. So there was a lot of wear and tear and too many modern "fixes" that made a prettty room into an ugly office.

Here's a detail from the front steps. You just don't get to see detail work like this anymore.
To the left you can see that the stairs are horrible... but, at least they are protected on both sides by these pretty stone/concrete work.

Here's a fireplace in a front room of the mansion. Such beautiful tiles!

Here's a close up on the decorative tile on that fireplace.

The carriage house. It was all boarded up. No one allowed inside. Nice view of the smokestacks in the background, eh? When it was built it was 2 miles away from downtown and out in the middle of nowhere. Now it is by itself in the middle of an industrial area and behind Questar Gas (we could SMELL the natural gas) and a freeway is right across the street from it.
Our neighborhood is 9 blocks north of here and 50 years ago it was out in the middle of nowhere too. It used to have natural springs and a big dairy. My how things change!

Here's a beautiful wall air vent... in the basement. The basement was, well, basementy ew. but, in the middle of it all was this beautiful air vent.

Here's the inside of the front door as we left. I wish I had been able to take a picture of the tile on the floor right here, but, like I said there were so many people coming and going, I was lucky to be able to stand still long enough to take this one.

Isn't this a beautiful stone bench? It was outside in the back yard next to the carriage house.
I want one in front of my house! I also want some pretty statues of St. Francis of Assissi.
Anyway, it was a nice tour. I took a ton of pics. I think some of them are kind of good. I hope you enjoyed some of the neater details of this mansion that could some day be an art / cultural / community center.???