Friday, January 8, 2010


Well, of course, like the last time I tried NanoWrimo I gave it a start and a try but didn't finish. Life keeps getting in the way of it. I hate saying that because it sounds like an excuse but it's true. I have to be a mom first. But, my story is still bubbling and brewing in my head and it will come exploding out of me another day when it's ready.
Or maybe I do have ADD and I'm just skipping from project to project, which also means I will get back to it again when I come back full circle. :) lol

Meanwhile, I've crocheted Monster Bags which I like and are cute and weird. They are good for dice or cards or anything you wish to feed them. I just need to make around 10 of them and get my Etsy account up again.

For Christmas I got a painting kit and finally got to really paint. The first thing painted was from my dreams which inspired me in the first place.
When I told my Dad about it he said that he remembered that I was good at painting... and that made me feel happy that he said that.

AND of course, now that I have bags to make and painting to do and my book stewing and brewing, I need to super clean my house in preparation for family coming for ArtGrrl's baptism the first Saturday of February.
AND I MEAN SUPER CLEAN! I need to clean out utensil drawers and the weird round about corner things that I keep my mixing bowls and small appliances in. All cupboards and other drawers too. I need to look for and destroy all cobwebs. And major clean the floors.
Half of me hopes that Ross gets a job offer NOW, but doesn't start until the second week of February so he can help me clean the house and then clean up after everyone's gone.
well, and so. We will see what happens....
Stuff to do. Gotta get going. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Gayle thinks that I have ADD too. I always end up jumping from one project to the other. I find that I like the excitment of starting a new project and the satisfation of finishing one, but I really don't like the boring middle part. So I end up starting alot of things but only finishing a few.