Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thinking about crafty things...

1. I want to make fingerless gloves out of felted wool sweaters for me and Ross.
2. I want to make a big soft knitted blanket with BIG needles!
3. I want to finish the crocheted fingerless gloves I started for my daughter.
4. I want to make a shawl or wrap for myself for those COLD summer church meetings with the AC on full blast.
5. I want to draw inspirational drawings for my new book I thought of...
6. I would like to make a 1920's hat that will go with my new short haircut.
7. I want to finish the baby blanket I started a month or two ago and make it into a big blanket for use in the livingroom when it's cool in the mornings.
8. Ugly dolls still haven't been worked on... maybe during the spring break?

I could probably think of more to do, but, isn't that enough?

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