Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aborted Project.

For the Relief Society Birthday Dinner in March, we are going in with the 1st ward. THEY like to do things fancy and go all the way! They don't seem to believe in potlucks, they assigned a salad recipe to be made by sisters.
Our Enrichment person suggested beautiful lavender thread crocheted bookmarks to offer as gifts.
It was a really lovely idea, but, when we figured out that it took ME making 3 bookmarks before they stopped curling, and then only my 7th bookmark looked the best. Plus, they took about 1 1/2 hours to make each and we need ONE HUNDRED of them???
We decided that it wasn't worth 150 man hours of work in only 3 weeks to make bookmarks to give out. So, now we are going to just make nice paper bookmarks with a quote from Emma Smith on them and a ribbon at the top. Way less work. whew. We are too busy as a people to devote 150 hours to something that people might think is cute but, might not use.
Right? Good for us for coming to our senses!
Maybe I can make some for Christmas as Stocking Stuffers?

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