Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Craftiness of December

Well, I got the hangers done for my mother-in-law in time to ship them.
They are nice BUT kind of boring and annoying to make. And the next time I have to make some, I'm using some NON fuzzy yarn. (although I suspect fuzzy yarn hides a multitude of mistakes. :) Two hangers of each color of blue that I found, because I can't remember the exact color of blue my in-laws bedroom is... it has been since 2005 or 6 that we went there last.
I like how they turned out though. not bad. Second time I made hangers. check.
We were going to make home-made Christmas Cards too... but, Christmas snuck up on us so fast, and we were sooo busy and sooo tired.... we never got around to it.
So, because Ross doesn't worry about these things, it will be up to me to make up for it.
I will be writing an e-mail and adding a couple of pics to a Christmas letter.
Of course, 2008 was not such a great year. The only trip we went on was a Ward Campout and a baby blessing in Idaho. We didn't go swimming at all. We didn't visit St. George and see my parents new kitties at all. We didn't even go to the end of the Salt Lake Valley for my Mother's Day meal because of gas prices. (who knew they would get even worse after that?!)
I hope I can come up with a positive letter to send family members.
Also, I have had such good intentions and good thoughts of gifts and generosities for others, but no imagination or brain power or energy to support them. Sorry everyone.
Merry Christmas anyway...

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