I've thought of: I luv mah teddy bear! or Hug teh feet! Hug teh feet!
or maybe, Stop right there foot! or The foot stops here.
I went Visiting Teaching the other day and I used the conference talk by Elder Ballard about mothers. I LOVE that one of his points was to find one or two interests or hobbies that ENRICH you and give yourself time to pursue them. (of course, he also said to not waste time looking at the internet :)
Of course, being a Jack of All Trades and Master of None makes me have TONS OF INTERESTS! It would be hard to only pick two interests.
I guess then I should say, Thank goodness for being chronically ill... if it weren't for that holding me back all the time I would have SO MANY pursuits! And perhaps my family would be left behind in my dust!
I would love to learn woodworking and build furniture. On big garbage days I look at all the
wood/old furniture people are throwing out that I could reshape and refurnish and make beautiful again!
Oh yeah, I wanted to learn how to shape stone too. And maybe weirdly, would like to make my own headstone. I want it to look like a stack of books, or an open book?
I REALLY need to learn how to can fruits and veggies. People say, "Oh, I just made freezer jam... yawn." like it's easy. I need to learn how.
I wish I could be an animal researcher and know more about cats than anyone else in the world.
I always thought it would be really awesome to volunteer at the zoo and work with the big cats and maybe the sloth!
AND THEN I could write a definitive book on cats and sloths and be rich and famous! :)
I would like to try my hand at being a psychologist and delve (with permission) into the psyches of people and help them FIX problems. (however, I've often thought I would worry too much about people and it wouldn't be a good job for me)
I would like to be the person who types in the INFO for the cable t.v. company. Whoever does it now doesn't know WHAT they're typing about! I'm such a t.v. person that I know a little bit about everything and I know a LOT about some things.
I WISH I could read every single book we own. (I'm going to need to count them to make that sound more impressive... I mean, I just counted the books I can see from here and there's at least 176 so far.... and there's WAY more downstairs and a book shelf or two in each bedroom too!) ALSO, at Barnes & Noble I made a list of at least 10-15 books I WANT to read.
Too many books, not enough time.
I've always wanted to rebuild a 50s car... and make it nice!
I've also loved to teach people. If I had enough energy, it would be cool to be a teacher.... but, in the younger grades when hopefully you have some influence on teaching them manners and kindness for each other.
I've ALWAYS loved languages. I'm sad my Japanese is going away, leaking out of my head drip, drip, drip! I wish I could learn: Spanish (would be the most helpful to me!), Chinese, Korean (so I can understand what Jin and Sun are saying on Lost :), Hebrew, German, French, Swahili (since we have a bunch of refugees in our ward who speak that), and the Burmese language too (since we have a bunch of refugees in our ward who speak that too).
Hawaiian would be fun to learn (popoki means cat in hawaiian), Russian would be interesting too.
I find myself gathering words here and there in all the different languages I come across.
I hate the down and dirty of politics so, maybe I could be the first Dictator of America and fix all the dishonest and crazy things that happen in D.C. and divert bribe money to teachers and poor people? In case that Dictator of America doesn't work out, perhaps it would be cool to be really involved in my community and perhaps run for City Councilwoman?
I wish I had enough energy to work on my house and get rid of my kitchen's stupid Dairy Cows border and hearts and sheaves of wheat wall paper! I can see how nice my house looks in my head. My kitchen in crisp Royal Blues and white and silver. SoccerGirl's room with Jungle murals like she wants. My shoe hall looking like a small forest. My room either Japanese or Medieval. Livingroom like a library. Downstairs livingroom with thick green carpet and the ceiling painted like it's tree tops and blue sky! (you know, to match the knotty pine on the walls)
Finishing the faux painting on my Dungeon room downstairs.
I have dreams! but, no energy (or money!) to fulfill them.
I have books I want to write.
I have cooking techniques I want to master.
Crochet techniques to master and a ton of wonderful things I could sell on my Etsy site.
(CrochetBagLady on Etsy) This is something I could be working on... just got to get going on it!
So, that's enough for today. I'm sure that after I get off the computer I'll think of some more things I want to do.... or could do IF I wasn't chronically ill.
Can you pick only two interests or hobbies to do?
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