Thursday, June 12, 2008

Referal to my other blog while I take a crafty break.

Go here:

to read about me and my life.

My craftiness is on hold for a bit.

Thank you.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Been so stressed out, so busy, so sick every weekend for 4 or 5 weeks (I've been to church twice in the last 6 weeks!)... that this blog is getting ignored.
Come to think of it, I haven't even been very crafty over the last week or two either.
I REALLY need to get to work on my art hanging for the LDS Church International Art Competition... I'm halfway done and it's due in October!
So, I NEED to get out of this inability to focus, this inbalance... and get some order and focus and be healthy!!!
I DID finish a nest bag for SoccerGirl's little owl puppet today. That's something. I'll have to remember to take a pic and put it on here some time this week. eh?

Until then, read my other blog, at least I'm trying to keep that one updated once or twice a week.